Getting Started as a client with Aysana Health
Good news! We are accepting new clients in both locations (Grove and Owasso). To set up your first appointment give us a call at the office you would like to visit and schedule your visit. Before coming to your first appointment, we recommend downloading our Client Intake Form and completing that prior to your visit (see below).
OWASSO: (918) 274-1760
GROVE: (918) 786-3686

One of the ways Aysana Health will evaluate a new client is to use a system called EAV (Avatar).
EAV began in France in the 1940s with a doctor named Roger de la Feu. Dr. de la Feu began experiments with skin conductivity and found there are points on the body more electrically conductive than others. These points, for the most part turned out to be acupuncture points. In 1953 a German medical doctor named Reinhold Voll became intrigued with de la Feu’s research and explained it.
Another system Aysana Health uses to evaluate her clients is a system called Electro Interstitial Scan. This system is used along with the EAV testing to help balance your system the best way possible.
The EIS is a French electrochemical device, classified as a medical device in Europe and USA. It provides qualitative information and is not designed as a quantitative measurements system (unlike blood tests). It’s benefit is where it measures- in the “cell soup”- the sea that cells bathe in and which is a good reflection of cell activity.