(Electro Interstitial Scan)

The EIS is a French electrochemical device, classified as a medical device in Europe and USA. It provides qualitative information and is not designed as a quantitative measurements system (unlike blood tests). It’s benefit is where it measures- in the “cell soup”- the sea that cells bathe in and which is a good reflection of cell activity. It is cell activity that is the most important part- cells make up organs which make up our operating system. The EIS scans the whole body in 3 minutes, and provides some functional information about body organs activity and some biochemical measurements. It is designed as a rapid initial screening tool, generally used for further exploration via other devices and laboratory or medical tests. It represents the status at the time of testing- it is real time. As such, the results must be matched to client situation- time of day, closeness to meals, etc. Certain hormones e.g. cortisol have a daily cycle and others, like female hormones have a monthly cycle. The values and interpretation are “functional”- they are not clinical information- they are not in any way diagnostic but informative in providing aspects of a jigsaw that may help with a clearer picture and narrow further investigations.
The measurement process
The EIS sends harmless, low voltage frequencies to and from 6 electrodes connected to the body. The computer software calculates everything based on the changes made to these signals on their path through the body. Most measurements are done based on the extracellular fluids, which is the environment of all cells-this is where the biochemistry is most important. Cellular activity can be determined by looking at what goes into and out of the cells.
Risk Areasthese will be identified as possible areas of concern.
- Respiratory
- Digestive
- Immune
- Renal
- Neuromuscular
- Cardiovascular
- Endocrine
- Neurological
- Metabolic
Biochemistry: this is measured in the extracellular fluid- not as normal in laboratory tests which use bloods.The interstitial fluid and the blood hormonal assessment are completely different except for the TSH measurement. (see clinical test Botkin hospital 2006)
The estimation of interstitial fluid hormonal assessment:
1. Is more stable because this compartment is stagnant.
2. Is the true target of the hormones, the bloodstream only a way for the distribution of the hormones into the tissue.
Interpretation of the results requires some physiology knowledge, in particular, the
chronobiology and the peak of production of the different hormones.
Minerals levels: these are determined against for sodium, potassium, chloride, magnesium, calcium, phosphates, iron.
Hormone levels: insulin, glucose, thyroid hormones, cortisol, adrenal corticotrophic hormone, adrenal medulary hormones, follicle stimulating hormone, oestrogen (testosterone), urea and creatinine (kidney); triglycerides (fats) and atherosclerosis index.
Brain Modeling: this can provide an indication of possible emotional disorders and whether these are recent or old.
1. Frontal lobes are the zone of the thought.
2. The limbic systems are the zone of emotions
3. The amygdales are the zone of anguish or phobia